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Yesterday, Flevy has release version 3 of Flevy Tools. Flevy Tools is a PowerPoint add-in for creating common business diagrams. These diagrams are commonly used in strategy and management consulting decks. Not only is Flevy Tools easy-to-use, useful, and feature rich, the best part is that it’s completely free. You can download it for free here:
In the latest version, it supports 2 additional diagram types: Matrix Charts and Value Chain Diagrams. Below, we will walk through the new functionality.
Matrix Charts
Matrix Charts are perhaps a consultant’s best friend. These are simple and very intuitive visuals, often taking the form of either a 2×2 or 3×3. Established consulting frameworks like the BCG Matrix and GE-McKinsey Matrix are based on this format.
The Flevy Tools Matrix chart allows you to create up to a 5×5 Matrix and any combination smaller (e.g. 2×4, 3×5, etc.).
Value Chain Diagrams
Out of all the 12 diagrams supported, this is our favourite — in our opinion, the most innovative of the Flevy Tools diagrams. A Value Chain diagram is modeled after the Porter Value Chain, as defined by Michael Porter. With this tool, you can create up to a 6-chevron “value chain.” For each chevron, you can then further sub-divide it into up to 6 parallel rows/chains. To better understand this, take a look at the parameters input box in the screenshot below.
Once you install Flevy Tools, a new toolbar is added to your PowerPoint ribbon. See the screenshot below.
Here is the full list of support diagrams:
- Waterfall Charts
- Approach Diagrams
- Step Box Diagrams
- Harvey Ball Diagrams
- Gantt Charts
- Circular Approach Diagrams
- Pyramid Diagrams
- Relationship Diagrams
- Segment Diagrams
- Matrix Charts
- Value Chain Diagrams
- Rating Diagrams
Again, here is the download link. It’s a free download!
Flevy.com just released the second version of Flevy Tools, a FREE PowerPoint plugin for creating common business diagrams and slides. The latest version expands the number of diagram types from 4 to 10. You can find them listed below and displayed in the screenshot. It also now supports PowerPoint on both the Mac and Windows.
- Download it here: http://flevy.com/powerpoint-plugin
Each diagram is highly customizable. You can set exactly how it will look. Once generated, you can modify the text, colors, and size. The Waterfall Chart is also integrated with Microsoft Excel, so you can easily modify the values in the chart.
Thus far, Flevy Tools has received over 3,000 downloads. Consultants at leading global firms, including Accenture and Capgemini Consulting, have claimed Flevy Tools to be better than the similar tools they have built in house.
Here are the available diagram types:
- Waterfall Chart
- Booz Ball/Harvey Ball Diagram
- Gantt Chart
- Linear Approach/Chevron Diagram
- Circular Approach/Flow Diagram
- Step Box Diagram
- Pyramid Diagram
- Relationship Diagram
- Segment Diagram
- Rating Diagram
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