Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
Profitability is at the core of successful businesses. Many markets do not allow as much top-line revenue increase as the companies would like. Therefore, organizations have to focus on improving the bottom-line.
Boosting the bottom-line entails raising Productivity. Productivity enhancement can be achieved by eliminating redundancies and improving processes that change the company. Process Improvement also means less people needed to accomplish the same tasks.
Change projects—as is the case with most other projects—almost always run over budget and over time, especially when new technology comes into the mix. Causes for failures in Change Management are many and one of them is heavy and bureaucratic teams.
Raising Productivity in teams designated for change projects is well-nigh impossible. A solution to this is Building Effective Teams by keeping teams small—a remedy that has shown its effectiveness time and again.
Smaller teams tend to communicate effectively, decide quickly, do course corrections more easily, work faster, and innovate more.
Large organizations have the tendency of deploying large teams because as the planning process goes on, the scope gets bigger and bigger. This practice is defeating in itself because sight of the goal is lost in the bureaucratic rigmarole.
For projects to be executed swiftly and successfully the following 10 best practices for smaller, more Agile teams are very effective:
Let us delve a little deeper into some of the best practices.
Dividing the project into distinct problems or separating business capabilities into converged organizational units makes it easier for smaller teams to deliver.
Assorting sizable, complex problems into discrete, attainable pieces and teaching members to develop a Problem Solving Mindset enables small teams to take them on easily and over deliver on them.
An alternate to making teams smaller without compromising on the structure of the organization is to separate business capabilities into focused organizational units.
Making sure that individuals with a certain type of skill or key people are not scarce in the organization lest they get pulled by different teams at the same time.
Essential people are wanted by all teams, consequentially their time gets split into such small chunks that no task gets done properly. Operational risk becomes prodigious when dependent on a single person.
It is vital to work away from such scenarios in a team.
Bureaucratic way of decision-making in large teams should be avoided by identifying types of decisions and the decision-making authorities, at the outset.
Trust speeds up progress, augments quality, and diminishes execution risk. Trust has to be built up by conscious effort.
One of the ways for effective Team Management is to keep communication swift and the only way of doing this is to keep it informal.
Interested in learning more about these best practices for Small, Agile Teams? You can download an editable PowerPoint on 10 Best Practices for Small, Agile Teams here on the Flevy documents marketplace.
You can download in-depth presentations on this and hundreds of similar business frameworks from the FlevyPro Library. FlevyPro is trusted and utilized by 1000s of management consultants and corporate executives. Here’s what some have to say:
“My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.”
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
“As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value.”
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
“FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it’s like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.”
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
Humans instinctively want to share their experiences. The more experienced a person, the fuller they are with ideas.
Many people view Listening Skills to be of lesser consequence than articulation and focus on learning how they can present their own views more effectively.
Good listening—the keen and orderly pursuit of probing and challenging the information collected from others to enhance its quality and quantity—is key to developing a knowledge-base that creates new insights and ideas.
Listening is unquestionably the most efficient route to making informed judgments, particularly judgments that leaders have to make. That is why the Soft Skill of Good Listening is considered a building block of Leadership Development.
Good listening can lead to a longer and fruitful relationship at work and elsewhere. Exceptional Client Management and Team Management, especially, and a host of other situations demand Good Listening skills. Respecting the speaker, even if there is disagreement and reacting in the moment without expectation is part and parcel of Good Listening Skills. The speaker should feel respected and understood after having a conversation with a Good Listener.
People possessing Good Listening ability assume a somewhat passive speaking role in the conversation yet actively participate in the conversation using body language and follow-up questions. They display 3 Critical Behaviors that make them what they are—Great Listeners:
Demonstrate Respect
Making the speaker feel that what they are saying is important. This feeling gets reciprocated quickly.
Remain Quiet
One cannot really listen while busy talking. Remaining quiet enables understanding of the actual point the other person is making.
Challenge Assumptions
Good Listeners seek the underlying assumption in the conversation and challenge it. This generates new ideas and opens up paths untrodden.
Let us look a little more deeply into some of the key characteristics of the 3 Critical Behaviors of Good Listeners.
People displaying a Problem Solving Mindset solicit input from all levels and demonstrate respect in this manner. They always make the speakers feel that they have something exclusive to contribute and assume that the conversation partner has the proficiency to develop worthy solutions.
In a good conversation, the conversation partner speaks 80% of the time and the Ideal Listener speaks 20% of the time. A Good Listener poses questions in most of the 20% time. By remaining quiet the listener’s objective is to extract the prime motivation or thought behind the conversation. Patience and practice are needed to cultivate the habit of weighing in at the correct moment.
A Good Listener challenges long-held and valued assumptions in order to make gains from conversations. Ambiguity is embraced and a quest to uncover what both conversation partners can gain from the conversation is enlivened.
From the above 3 Critical Behaviors, we can synthesize the following 13 actions that a Good Listener should make while in an active conversation:
Identifying what a Bad Listener looks like helps avoid such behavior and consequentially move us on the path to becoming a Good Listener. Bad listeners may be categorized into the following 6 types:
The same person can display these behaviors at different times and under different circumstances. Perfecting listening skills means learning what prevents us from seeking and hearing the information we need.
Interested in learning more about the critical behaviors and actions of Good Listeners, and 6 Types of Bad Listeners? You can download an editable PowerPoint on Soft Skills: Good Listening here on the Flevy documents marketplace.
You can download in-depth presentations on this and hundreds of similar business frameworks from the FlevyPro Library. FlevyPro is trusted and utilized by 1000s of management consultants and corporate executives. Here’s what some have to say:
“My FlevyPro subscription provides me with the most popular frameworks and decks in demand in today’s market. They not only augment my existing consulting and coaching offerings and delivery, but also keep me abreast of the latest trends, inspire new products and service offerings for my practice, and educate me in a fraction of the time and money of other solutions. I strongly recommend FlevyPro to any consultant serious about success.”
– Bill Branson, Founder at Strategic Business Architects
“As a niche strategic consulting firm, Flevy and FlevyPro frameworks and documents are an on-going reference to help us structure our findings and recommendations to our clients as well as improve their clarity, strength, and visual power. For us, it is an invaluable resource to increase our impact and value.”
– David Coloma, Consulting Area Manager at Cynertia Consulting
“FlevyPro has been a brilliant resource for me, as an independent growth consultant, to access a vast knowledge bank of presentations to support my work with clients. In terms of RoI, the value I received from the very first presentation I downloaded paid for my subscription many times over! The quality of the decks available allows me to punch way above my weight – it’s like having the resources of a Big 4 consultancy at your fingertips at a microscopic fraction of the overhead.”
– Roderick Cameron, Founding Partner at SGFE Ltd
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