Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
LearnPPT has finally released a new business document. It’s called the Complete Consulting Frameworks Toolkit and that name is not an understatement. The document is currently only available for download on Flevy.
This is a VERY comprehensive document with over 300+ slides–covering 50 common business frameworks and methodologies (listed below in alphabetical order). A detailed summary is provided for each framework. The included frameworks span across Corporate Strategy, Sales, Marketing, Operations, Organization, Change Management, and Finance.
Here is the full list of included frameworks and methodologies:
These frameworks and templates are the same used by top tier consulting firms. With this comprehensive document in your back pocket, you can find a way to address just about any problem that can arise in your organization.
For other, more in-depth business methodology framework and methodology documents, take a look here:
PPT Lab‘s latest PowerPoint to its community is a collection of 23 business frameworks and management models. Have a look below.
Here is the full list of management models:
PPT Lab is a subscription-based service for slide design. They create 50+ slides each month for its subscribers at a low monthly cost. All presentations are based on projects requested and voted on by its members.
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