Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
Yesterday, Flevy has release version 3 of Flevy Tools. Flevy Tools is a PowerPoint add-in for creating common business diagrams. These diagrams are commonly used in strategy and management consulting decks. Not only is Flevy Tools easy-to-use, useful, and feature rich, the best part is that it’s completely free. You can download it for free here:
In the latest version, it supports 2 additional diagram types: Matrix Charts and Value Chain Diagrams. Below, we will walk through the new functionality.
Matrix Charts
Matrix Charts are perhaps a consultant’s best friend. These are simple and very intuitive visuals, often taking the form of either a 2×2 or 3×3. Established consulting frameworks like the BCG Matrix and GE-McKinsey Matrix are based on this format.
The Flevy Tools Matrix chart allows you to create up to a 5×5 Matrix and any combination smaller (e.g. 2×4, 3×5, etc.).
Value Chain Diagrams
Out of all the 12 diagrams supported, this is our favourite — in our opinion, the most innovative of the Flevy Tools diagrams. A Value Chain diagram is modeled after the Porter Value Chain, as defined by Michael Porter. With this tool, you can create up to a 6-chevron “value chain.” For each chevron, you can then further sub-divide it into up to 6 parallel rows/chains. To better understand this, take a look at the parameters input box in the screenshot below.
Once you install Flevy Tools, a new toolbar is added to your PowerPoint ribbon. See the screenshot below.
Here is the full list of support diagrams:
Again, here is the download link. It’s a free download!
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