The time and effort it takes to create a professional business presentation may not seem economical.  For instance, management consultants, paid $1000+ a day, spend a majority of their time cranking our PowerPoint presentations.  Though clients would rather have their consultants spend this time doing research and more analytical work, we all recognize the necessity of solid presentations to effectively communicate gained insights and recommendations.  The same issue holds true for managers, executives, and well paid analysts.

To help alleviate the economic resource burden of creating presentations, McKinsey established a Visual Graphics group for the sole purpose of cranking out presentations for its consulting arm.  McKinsey management consultants would draw out slides on paper, scan and send them to Visual Graphics.  Visual Graphics would then convert the scanned images into PowerPoint slides.

While you or your organization may not currently have a PowerPoint conversion team like McKinsey, now you can with LearnPPT’s new presentation services offering.  Check it out here:

Presentation Services

Draw and email your slides to LearnPPT and they will convert it to PowerPoint slide format within 1 business day.  They have a team of experienced PowerPoint presentation experts–in fact, hired directly from McKinsey’s Visual Graphic organization.

View their site to see samples and a break down other related presentation services.


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