Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
FlevyPro (a subscription service from our partner Flevy) offers a comprehensive library of consulting frameworks, presentations, and business templates. FlevyPro recently surveyed its subscribers and learned their biggest fans are essentially all independent consultants or owners of boutique consulting firms.
So, Why is this the case?
The reason is simple. A core competitive advantage of global consulting firms is they have access to an internal, proprietary database of consulting frameworks and past deliverables. This allows them to deploy inexperienced project teams to clients, because their teams are armed with well-researched and proven methodologies. FlevyPro now provides the smaller firms that same–if not greater–access to a library of consulting frameworks.
After the survey, Flevy has since increased efforts to produce more and more consulting frameworks. They are adding several frameworks every week. These frameworks cover a wide range of management consulting disciplines–e.g. Strategy/Transformation, Lean/OpEx/Process, Digital, Change, Organization, HR/Talent, IT, etc. They are all based on the research of those global consulting firms (including McKinsey, Accenture, and Deloitte) or renown business academics.
You can browse the full library of FlevyPro frameworks here.
If you have any questions about FlevyPro, please email them at flevypro@flevy.com. Thanks.
Here are 4 powerful tools and frameworks for Project Management available on Flevy.
PRINCE2 Project Management Overview
This document is a 77-slide PowerPoint presentation that provides a Project Management Overview based on the PRINCE2 methodology that has been recognised world-wide as the leading Best Practice framework for successful project execution. The document is easily customisable, content can be removed (or simply skipped over during presentation), and additional slides can be added to provide more subject depth.
Project Management Social
Helps project management practitioners as well as project management companies to understand the value of social media and how to integrate it onto projects. This document is full of examples based on research, training about different social media platforms and tools and very practical advice that can be applied immediately to compile your own customized strategy for how to use social media on your projects. This 32-page deck also includes an accompanying Social Media Strategy template (Word document).
Consulting Project Management Survival Guide
A guide to Project Management for management consultants. Includes a breakdown of Key Success Factors and KPIs for project managers.
Project Management Workbook (Excel)
This Excel workbook is an alternate to using the often-too-cumbersome MS Project. Allows you both to track and monitor project activities.
Looking for tools and resources for any other business project? Take a look at Flevy’s 40+ end-to-end Business Toolkits:
Project topics include Balanced Scorecard, Cost Reduction, Six Sigma, Pricing Strategy, Value Chain Analysis, among others.
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