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Post-merger Integration is a highly complex process. It requires swift action as well as running the core business activities simultaneously. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to a successful PMI Process. However, careful planning focusing on the strategic objectives of the deal and the identification and capturing of synergies will help maximize deal value.
It is inevitable that some elements of information will be withheld from a Buyer pre-deal. Further, not all the synergy benefits originally identified in the deal will prove to be achievable. The foremost challenge for management at the onset of the PMI process is to identify how value can be captured from the newly combined organization via synergies and cost savings.
Post-merger Integration is the fundamental stage of realizing the value of an M&A deal. A highly complex process, it entails bringing together 2 companies experiencing change while ensuring that business continues as usual. A truly challenging undertaking that must never be underestimated.
When 2 companies agree to undertake a Post-merger Integration, its primary objective is to maximize synergies to ensure that the deal lives up to its predicted value. It is a phase during which the results of the Buyer’s M&A strategy and expectations for the closed deal start to materialize.
In the entire phase, Closing and Day One of change is the most critical. It is the initial starting point towards the change of ownership and where Strategy Development is at its core.
During Closing and Day One, Managers must focus on 3 important areas.
The CEO plays a vital role in the joint business. The CEO or Managing Director is involved in the acquisition process. Hence, it is important that from Day One, a CEO or Managing Director has already been appointed.
Often the CEO comes from the Buyer or its group or corporate entity. If an existing CEO of the acquired entity continues the same role, then the Buyer must nominate a controller to ensure financial integration and smooth reporting.
The Key Personnel is also essentially important from Day One. In fact, there is a need for positions and roles of key personnel during the integration process to be planned in advance and communicated at closing.
Interested in gaining more understanding of PMI Day One Activities? You can learn more and download an editable PowerPoint about Post-merger Integration (PMI): Day One Activities here on the Flevy documents marketplace.
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In today’s business environment, management consulting firms must be ready to address client challenges and needs that will transform their business by 10 or 100 times. Tools and methods must be scaled up to ensure applicability to the widest possible audience globally.
The Consulting Workshop Series provides a good understanding of the 10 methods of conducting Workshops that are custom designed to fit specific workshop objectives. Different methods are developed for the purpose of providing organizations the most appropriate tool necessary to support organizations to achieve their strategic goals and targets.
If it is the management’s goal to expose all opinions and options regarding a complex issue, then the Delphi Workshop Method is the perfect approach to undertake. By using Delphi, organizations can gain the benefits of pooling and exchanging opinions to learn from other’s views.
Delphi is a structured communication technique originally developed as a systematic interactive forecasting method that relies on a panel of experts. Its main objective is to expose all opinions and options regarding a complex issue.
Delphi is most effectively used in technology forecasting, as well as business forecasting such as sales of new products. It is used in the implementation of multi-stakeholder approaches for participating policy-making. It is also effective in patent participation identification and public policy issues such as economic trends, health, and education.
A dialectical process, it has been designed to provide the benefits of pooling and exchanging of opinions to learn from other’s views.
Delphi can be approached in 3 different angles. Depending on the objective of the activity, we can determine which is the most strategic way to approach Delphi.
In undertaking the Conventional Delphi, the Policy Delphi, and the Delphi Conference, organizations must be keen on following the right procedure in undertaking any of these Delphi. Because of its different approaches, the steps that are undertaken also varies. Taking the right step is necessary for better understanding and clarity of flow, as well as optimizing the use of Delphi in achieving the appropriate results at the end of the activity.
Interested in gaining more understanding of the Delphi consulting workshop method? You can learn more and download an editable PowerPoint about Consulting Workshop Series: Delphi here on the Flevy documents marketplace.
Are you a management consultant?
You can download this and hundreds of other consulting frameworks and consulting training guides from the FlevyPro library.
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