Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
For the past 2 years, LearnPPT has been creating and selling quality business documents. These ranged from Business Frameworks to PowerPoint Templates. It has proven to be a successful business model — as there is a tangible demand for these products. We’ve had customers from small businesses to Fortune 50 companies to non-profits in over 45 countries.
Now, you, too, can sell your business documents. Check out the latest venture we’ve been collaborating on —
Flevy is a marketplace for selling business documents. We are in pre-launch and actively inviting business professionals like yourself.
Think about all the tools you have created to make your job easier. List them on Flevy. We will do the marketing, we will drive the sales. There’s no reason to let your IP collect dust when it can be making you perpetual income.
Registration just opened up a couple days ago!
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