Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
In 2012, Ron Leeman was awarded Change Leader by the World HRD Congress. He has published over 10 frameworks to Flevy, including a Comprehensive Guide to Change Management.
This 191-slide deck contains everything (well almost) you would ever want to know about Change Management. It includes What is Change Management, Change Management vs Project Management, The Challenge of Change, Change Management Models, Ways of Implementing Change, People and Change, Managing Change Resistance, Change Behaviours, The head/Heart/Soul of Change, Change Agents, The Tools & Techniques of Change (inc. Sponsorship, Stakeholder Management and Engagement, Communication, Process Change, Organisational Change, Training, Adoption and Business Readiness, Business Benefits & Continuous Improvement), A Change Story and Success and Failure.
Here is a partial preview.
View all of Ron’s documents on Flevy here.
Flevy.com is the #1 online provider of high quality business documents, offering a vast and growing inventory of business methodologies, financial models, and PowerPoint templates. Flevy covers a wide breadth of corporate functions, from Information Technology to Corporate Strategy to Change Management. The business documents found on Flevy are of the same caliber as those produced by top tier management consulting firms.
This morning, the company launched the Flevy Affiliate Program. Under this program, people can join as Affiliates and earn commissions by referring either Customers and/or Sellers to Flevy.
Full details of the program can be found here: http://flevy.com/affiliates.
By referring Customers, the Affiliate earns a commission on the Customers’ total purchase. The commission rate is driven by the total sales for that calendar month. The program is modeled after the Amazon Associates Program. By referring Sellers, the Affiliate earns ongoing commissions based on sales generated from the Sellers’ documents. Flevy is offering increased commission rates–up to 15% on all sales–for early adopters to its affiliate program.
Read the full press release here: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2014/02/prweb11551796.htm.
Here is a compilation of 600+ editable diagrams, maps and graphics to be used in Powerpoint in order to enhance visual quality of your presentations and increase productivity.
For more PowerPoint templates and diagrams, check out the vast selection on Flevy here:
Flevy (http://flevy.com) is the marketplace for premium business documents. People can go to Flevy to buy and sell business frameworks/methodologies, PowerPoint templates, financial models, and other similar documents. Most documents are of the same quality you’d expect to be produced by a top tier consulting firm–in fact, almost all the documents are produced by management consultants.
For Flevy, 2013 marks its first full year of operation. Here is a list of their best selling documents in 2013, ranked by total sales through the year.
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View more from PPTLab
This presentation is a collection PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey 23 different business strategy and management models. Models/frameworks include the following: 3 C’s ADL Matrix Acquisitions Integration Approaches Blue Ocean [Read More]
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View more from PPTLab
The McKinsey 7-S Strategy Model is a business framework used to evaluate organizational effectiveness and alignment. It identifies 7 internal, interrelated organizational elements: Shared Vision, Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Staff, and [Read More]
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View more from oeconsulting
This presentation is a collection of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey 26 different IT governance, management and delivery excellence models. Models/frameworks include the following: 1. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) [Read More]
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View more from oeconsulting
Hoshin Kanri process is a powerful strategic planning methodology for defining long-range key entity objectives. These are breakthrough objectives that extend two to five years with little change. In addition, the Hoshin Kanri process does not lose [Read More]
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View more from learnppt
The Business Case is an instrumental tool in both justifying a project (requiring a capital budgeting decision), as well as measuring the project’s success. The Business Case model typically takes the form of an Excel spreadsheet and [Read More]
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View more from ppandey87
This is a functional workbook that allows users to plan and track projects against requirements gathered as part of a program. It is versatile enough and customizable to be useful for any type of project. For example, it can be used to document [Read More]
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View more from demandmetric
From a high-level, the goal of a marketing strategy is to identify a target market and develop a marketing mix that will appeal to those potential customers. Decisions regarding the ideal marketing mix can be organized in terms of Price, [Read More]
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View more from kgoldin
This is a collection of common Strategy and Management Consulting Frameworks. It contains 2 sections. Strategy Frameworks — includes SWOT, Stages of Growth, Hedgehog Concept, BCG Matrix, Customer Intimacy – Cost Leadership – Product [Read More]
9. |
View more from demandmetric
This Excel-based Competitive Analysis Template is designed to help you determine your market position with regards to value, price, and market share. This tool allows you to define and determine the core value drivers for your customers, and allows [Read More]
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View more from officehelp
The easiest way to create design charts. Check the samples, enter your own data and watch as your charts update. Multiple different charts from the same data, with many automatic calculations made for you. No code, macros, formulas or other [Read More]
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View more from PPTLab
Innovative business models can reshape industries and drive tremendous growth. However, many organization find business model innovation difficult. The framework outlined in this presentation is based on the HBR article “Reinventing Your [Read More]
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View more from thepeacefulstrategy
This document provides a comprehensive and very well crafted summary of Blue Ocean Strategy. It explains its principles, tools, and frameworks using simple and carefully selected examples, which tie the framework to real world, modern organizations. [Read More]
13. |
View more from teamneosi
Clarity is critical in business communication of all kinds, yet difficult to achieve. This pack outlines five clear steps that will enable you to clarify your thinking for both yourself and your audience while preparing any kind of [Read More]
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View more from PPTLab
This document is a collection of 3-Year, 4-Year, and 5-Year Transformation Map (T-Map) PowerPoint Templates. [Read More]
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View more from teamneosi
Clients often look aghast when we tell them that writing is easy. And not just easy, but really easy … once you know what you need to say. This toolkit provides a five-step structured thinking process used by blue-chip management consultants [Read More]
16. |
View more from PPTLab
This document outlines a 3-phase framework for conducting robust Strategic Analysis, based on a paper published by A. E. Boardman and A. R. Vining. The framework describes the major elements of a strategic analysis, and consists of a [Read More]
17. |
View more from learnppt
This presentation provides an in-depth discussion on Pricing Strategy. Topics include: *Skimming vs. Penetration *Consumer Adoption Curve *Advantages and Disadvantages *Pricing Approach *Price Curve Analysis *Price Sensitivity [Read More]
18. |
View more from officehelp
If you have Microsoft Excel, you can now generate Project Style Calendar Plans/GANTT Charts (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or ALL at the same time), just by entering the tasks and associated data like it’s name and the starting and end [Read More]
19. |
View more from learnppt
All businesses face the challenge of achieving sustainable growth. Growth is commonly inhibited by a lack of breakthrough ideas, balancing cost-out and margin trade-offs, and execution challenges. This business framework document discusses [Read More]
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View more from oeconsulting
This presentation is a collection of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey 26 different business performance improvement models. Models/frameworks include the following: 1. ISO 9001 Quality Management Model 2. Baldrige [Read More]
Flevy.com just introduced its free PowerPoint Plugin, Flevy Tools. Flevy Tools provides a set of diagramming tools for PowerPoint. With just a few clicks, you can create and customize the following types of commonly used consulting diagrams:
The plugin is available in 2 versions: 1) MS PowerPoint 2003 and 2) MS PowerPoint 2007 and later. You can download the plugin here:
Flevy.com is the marketplace for premium business documents. Need a document in a hurry? Browse their marketplace and download what you need to expedite and strengthen your work. Have documents you’ve created? List them on the marketplace to start earning passive income for yourself or your company.
For a limited time, Flevy is offering a FREE download of the Strategy Development Discussion Deck. To download this document, just go here:
This is a discussion deck template for a corporate strategy development session. In this discussion, we go through a 2-prong approach to growth and evaluate the merits of various growth drivers. From the 2-prong approach, various scenarios can be generated in the discussions and dashboards are used to evaluate each scenario.
You can find more details about the product (listed at $30) here:
Flevy is a marketplace for business strategy frameworks, PowerPoint templates, financial models, business presentations, market research reports, and other premium business documents. Download documents to expedite your projects or upload documents to generate passive income.
Flevy.com is a marketplace for business documents–ranging from PowerPoint Templates to Business Presentations to Financial Models. The marketplace launched just late last month.
Flevy was founded under the principle that companies waste a lot of time and money recreating the same foundational business documents. Flevy’s vision is to become a comprehensive knowledge base of business documents. All organizations, from startups to large enterprises, can use Flevy–whether it’s to jumpstart projects, to find reference or comparison materials, or just to learn.
The business documents on the marketplace are categorized by the following business functions:
For the business professional, Flevy also presents a great opportunity to make sustainable, passive income. Just as the mobile apps market has helped software developers earn sustainable, passive income, Flevy will do the same for business professionals. If you are interested in becoming a seller on Flevy, you can register here: flevy.com/register.
Additionally, Flevy offers a generous Referral Program, allowing sellers to refer other sellers. The program is 2-tiered, meaning you can earn sales up to 2 levels downstream.
For the past 2 years, LearnPPT has been creating and selling quality business documents. These ranged from Business Frameworks to PowerPoint Templates. It has proven to be a successful business model — as there is a tangible demand for these products. We’ve had customers from small businesses to Fortune 50 companies to non-profits in over 45 countries.
Now, you, too, can sell your business documents. Check out the latest venture we’ve been collaborating on —
Flevy is a marketplace for selling business documents. We are in pre-launch and actively inviting business professionals like yourself.
Think about all the tools you have created to make your job easier. List them on Flevy. We will do the marketing, we will drive the sales. There’s no reason to let your IP collect dust when it can be making you perpetual income.
Registration just opened up a couple days ago!
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