Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
What is strategy without execution? Merely theory.
A successful business requires both a well developed strategy and the ability to execute on that strategy. Many companies develop robust strategies, but fail at operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps.
Flevy has just released a free primer on the topic Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. It is a 54-slide deck that discusses 12 frameworks, spanning both strategy development and execution.
Topics covered include: Porter’s Five Forces, Consolidation-Endgame Curve, Hoshin Kanri, Product Lifecycle, Consumer Adoption Curve, Balanced Scorecard, Blue Ocean Strategy, BCG Matrix, SWOT, PEST, Marketing Mix, and Organizational Hurdles.
You may also be interested in Flevy’s business toolkits focused on these topics:
You browse their other business toolkits here: http://flevy.com/business-toolkits
In previous articles, we have covered various PowerPoint template/diagram compilations that focus on business frameworks and management models. Here are some examples:
This latest may be the biggest of them all — 100 Business Excellence Frameworks. The total document spans close to 400 slides.
Here is the full list of business excellence frameworks/methodologies covered:
This deck is a collection of PowerPoint diagrams and templates used to convey 100 different business excellence frameworks comprising key strategy, marketing and sales, finance, operations, IT, organization, change and HR models.
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