Learn the methodologies, frameworks, and tricks used by Management Consultants to create executive presentations in the business world.
On LinkedIn, there is a free giveaway on a bundle of Strategy & Transformation PowerPoint templates. Full details can be found here:
Based on the thought leadership of top tier consulting firms (including McKinsey, BCG, Accenture) and renown strategists, each slide represents a specific business framework. A “framework” is a structured approach to analyzing and solving a common business situation. It allows us to evaluate and articulate our situation in an organized, thorough, and efficient manner.
Frameworks covered span a diverse array of Strategy & Transformation topics, from Growth Strategy to Brand Development to Innovation to Customer Experience to Strategic Management.
Each slide follows the standard Headline-Body-Bumper format, the slide design methodology used by all leading consulting firms.
Here is the full list of Strategy & Transformation frameworks:
FlevyPro (a subscription service from our partner Flevy) offers a comprehensive library of consulting frameworks, presentations, and business templates. FlevyPro recently surveyed its subscribers and learned their biggest fans are essentially all independent consultants or owners of boutique consulting firms.
So, Why is this the case?
The reason is simple. A core competitive advantage of global consulting firms is they have access to an internal, proprietary database of consulting frameworks and past deliverables. This allows them to deploy inexperienced project teams to clients, because their teams are armed with well-researched and proven methodologies. FlevyPro now provides the smaller firms that same–if not greater–access to a library of consulting frameworks.
After the survey, Flevy has since increased efforts to produce more and more consulting frameworks. They are adding several frameworks every week. These frameworks cover a wide range of management consulting disciplines–e.g. Strategy/Transformation, Lean/OpEx/Process, Digital, Change, Organization, HR/Talent, IT, etc. They are all based on the research of those global consulting firms (including McKinsey, Accenture, and Deloitte) or renown business academics.
You can browse the full library of FlevyPro frameworks here.
If you have any questions about FlevyPro, please email them at flevypro@flevy.com. Thanks.
Remember PPT Lab? It was a subscription service for consulting quality presentations at a fraction of the cost.
Well, PPT Lab has sorta re-launched as FlevyPro. PPT Lab, along with LearnPPT, has partnered with Flevy to launch a new subscription service called FlevyPro. FlevyPro is a subscription service for on-demand business frameworks and analysis tools. Subscribers receive access to an exclusive library of curated business documents—business framework primers, presentation templates, Lean Six Sigma tools, and more—among other benefits.
More information about FlevyPro can be found here: http://flevy.com/pro?promo=PPTTEMPLATES
The above link has our discount promo code (PPTTEMPLATES) embedded.
In the initial launch of FlevyPro, there are over 100+ documents, including Management Consulting Training Guides, Lean Six Sigma Templates, Business Framework Primers, Project Management Tools, PowerPoint Templates, Audio Interviews with SMB CEOs, and more. Subscribers will be able to submit and vote on requests of documents to be developed or acquired by the FlevyPro Team.
You are free to browse the full library here: http://flevy.com/pro/library.
Operational Excellence Consulting offers a collection of 450+ fully editable consulting diagrams, templates and graphics to enhance your PowerPoint presentations and increase productivity on Flevy. Take a sneak peek below:
The diagrams available in this compilation are great for illustrating a variety of business concepts, including:
On Flevy, Operational Excellence Consulting is known for producing PowerPoint diagrams/templates geared towards illustrating various business frameworks and management models. Here are their other products:
Here’s an example of their Business Performance Models PowerPoint set:
Yesterday, Flevy has release version 3 of Flevy Tools. Flevy Tools is a PowerPoint add-in for creating common business diagrams. These diagrams are commonly used in strategy and management consulting decks. Not only is Flevy Tools easy-to-use, useful, and feature rich, the best part is that it’s completely free. You can download it for free here:
In the latest version, it supports 2 additional diagram types: Matrix Charts and Value Chain Diagrams. Below, we will walk through the new functionality.
Matrix Charts
Matrix Charts are perhaps a consultant’s best friend. These are simple and very intuitive visuals, often taking the form of either a 2×2 or 3×3. Established consulting frameworks like the BCG Matrix and GE-McKinsey Matrix are based on this format.
The Flevy Tools Matrix chart allows you to create up to a 5×5 Matrix and any combination smaller (e.g. 2×4, 3×5, etc.).
Value Chain Diagrams
Out of all the 12 diagrams supported, this is our favourite — in our opinion, the most innovative of the Flevy Tools diagrams. A Value Chain diagram is modeled after the Porter Value Chain, as defined by Michael Porter. With this tool, you can create up to a 6-chevron “value chain.” For each chevron, you can then further sub-divide it into up to 6 parallel rows/chains. To better understand this, take a look at the parameters input box in the screenshot below.
Once you install Flevy Tools, a new toolbar is added to your PowerPoint ribbon. See the screenshot below.
Here is the full list of support diagrams:
Again, here is the download link. It’s a free download!
In a recent update to Flevy, the documents marketplace has allowed select contributors to offer complimentary documents. However, it takes some digging to find these free offers. Here, we present 5:
Introduction to Strategy
What is Strategy? This 20-slide presentation provides an introduction to strategy, separating out the concepts of Corporate Strategy vs. Business (Unit) Strategy.
Introduction to Operational Excellence
This 48-slide presentation provides a high-level introduction to Operational Excellence. It explains the four building blocks: Strategy Deployment, Performance Management, Process Excellence, and High Performance Work Teams.
A Practical Framework Approach to Change
This presentation presents a flavour of some of the more necessary change components and associated tools & techniques that will require consideration during any change initiative.
Lean Thinking 101
This 32-page presentation that explains the Lean management philosophy, based on the Toyota Production System (TPS).
Delta Model Primer
The Delta Model is a growth strategy framework developed by MIT/Sloan professors to help managers in the articulation and implementation of effective corporate and business strategies.
Here is another massive compilation of PowerPoint diagrams and templates, mostly for us in business presentations. It’s called the Monster PowerPoint Templates Deck. The full documents is 321 slides. See a partial preview below.
Download the full document here: https://flevy.com/browse/business-document/monster-powerpoint-templates-deck-1099
The slides have been categorized into the following groupings:
Looking for other types of business diagrams in PowerPoint? Peruse Flevy’s full library of PowerPoint Templates, updated weekly, here.
In 2012, Ron Leeman was awarded Change Leader by the World HRD Congress. He has published over 10 frameworks to Flevy, including a Comprehensive Guide to Change Management.
This 191-slide deck contains everything (well almost) you would ever want to know about Change Management. It includes What is Change Management, Change Management vs Project Management, The Challenge of Change, Change Management Models, Ways of Implementing Change, People and Change, Managing Change Resistance, Change Behaviours, The head/Heart/Soul of Change, Change Agents, The Tools & Techniques of Change (inc. Sponsorship, Stakeholder Management and Engagement, Communication, Process Change, Organisational Change, Training, Adoption and Business Readiness, Business Benefits & Continuous Improvement), A Change Story and Success and Failure.
Here is a partial preview.
View all of Ron’s documents on Flevy here.
Here are 4 powerful tools and frameworks for Project Management available on Flevy.
PRINCE2 Project Management Overview
This document is a 77-slide PowerPoint presentation that provides a Project Management Overview based on the PRINCE2 methodology that has been recognised world-wide as the leading Best Practice framework for successful project execution. The document is easily customisable, content can be removed (or simply skipped over during presentation), and additional slides can be added to provide more subject depth.
Project Management Social
Helps project management practitioners as well as project management companies to understand the value of social media and how to integrate it onto projects. This document is full of examples based on research, training about different social media platforms and tools and very practical advice that can be applied immediately to compile your own customized strategy for how to use social media on your projects. This 32-page deck also includes an accompanying Social Media Strategy template (Word document).
Consulting Project Management Survival Guide
A guide to Project Management for management consultants. Includes a breakdown of Key Success Factors and KPIs for project managers.
Project Management Workbook (Excel)
This Excel workbook is an alternate to using the often-too-cumbersome MS Project. Allows you both to track and monitor project activities.
Looking for tools and resources for any other business project? Take a look at Flevy’s 40+ end-to-end Business Toolkits:
Project topics include Balanced Scorecard, Cost Reduction, Six Sigma, Pricing Strategy, Value Chain Analysis, among others.
What is strategy without execution? Merely theory.
A successful business requires both a well developed strategy and the ability to execute on that strategy. Many companies develop robust strategies, but fail at operationalizing their strategies into implementable steps.
Flevy has just released a free primer on the topic Strategy Development and Strategy Execution. It is a 54-slide deck that discusses 12 frameworks, spanning both strategy development and execution.
Topics covered include: Porter’s Five Forces, Consolidation-Endgame Curve, Hoshin Kanri, Product Lifecycle, Consumer Adoption Curve, Balanced Scorecard, Blue Ocean Strategy, BCG Matrix, SWOT, PEST, Marketing Mix, and Organizational Hurdles.
You may also be interested in Flevy’s business toolkits focused on these topics:
You browse their other business toolkits here: http://flevy.com/business-toolkits
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